In order to borrow library materials, patrons should note the following:
- Have your card in order to borrow materials.
- Lost card replacement fee is $1.00.
- Only the person whose name is on the back of the card should use this card.
- Identification may be required.
- Parents are responsible for the safekeeping of their children's library cards.
- Parents are responsible for any charges associated with the use of their children's cards.
- Please notify the library as soon as possible about the loss of a card.
- Overdue notices are prepared by the computer system. There will be no automatic renewals. The library must be notified if a renewal is needed.
- Please inform the library of any change in address, name or phone number, etc.
- Book drops are available at curbside in Homer and in the front door at Haynesville.
Books can be returned to any branch of the library system: Homer, Haynesville, Bookmobile.
Meeting Room Policy